Monday, May 30, 2011

The Dark Side Of Higher Education

Entry slated -- darkness to be revealed

It's been said that education is the key to success. 
Recently, education is making a push to the front of America's priorities. As America's position as global innovation leader is divvied up & given to Asia & the Netherlands, manufacturing & research jobs are going, too. With higher education, we can teach our children essential skills to become leaders in whatever fields they choose, restoring America's scientific & innovative prowess.

What's forgotten is that a nation of chiefs cannot operate without everyday workers. 
America will have to find a way to become the unquestioned leader of education, so that our main export is thought.....orders for the rest of the world to follow, to produce, etc

Monday, April 11, 2011

The Dark Side of Child Safety

Entry slated -- darkness to be revealed

The Dark Side of Houseplants

Entry slated -- darkness to be revealed 

The Dark Side of Greenpeace

Entry slated -- darkness to be revealed

The Dark Side of Paranormal Researchers

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The Dark Side of Environmentalism

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The Dark Side of Breast Cancer Awareness

Entry slated - darkness to be revealed

notes on this entry:
SGK offers breast cancer as the number 1 overall killer for women....the true #1 is heart disease. Among cancers, breast cancer is ranked the #7 killer of women. 6 other cancers have been downplayed for marketing.
Susan G. Kommen has shown a steady trend of increasing merchandising while reducing spending on breast cancer research. Her foundation currently donates just 16% of all revenue to breast cancer research. (source:
SGK's perfume contains many ingerdients known to be harmful to women's bodies, but she still sells it under the guise of benefiting women's health.
[SGK is attempting to sue everyone with a pink, red, or white ribbon that didn't come through her company]

They don't want YOU to cure it....THEY want to cure it (eventually).

The Dark Side of Medicine

 Entry slated - darkness to be revealed
The purpose of medicine is to prevent death.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Dark Side of Utopia

Entry slated - darkness to be revealed

The Dark Side of Democracy

Jan 30, 1933 Adolf Hitler voted into power by democratic election

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The Dark Side of Family

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The Dark Side of Neutrality

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The Dark Side of Positivism

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The Dark Side of Charity

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The Dark Side of Christianity

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The Dark Side of Doing It For The Children

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The Dark Side of Sports

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The Dark Side of Fox (beyond the obvious)

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The Dark Side of Stephen Colbert

Entry slated - darkness to be revealed

The Dark Side of Jamie Oliver (Food Revolution)

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The Dark Side of Hygeine

Entry slated - darkness to be revealed

The Dark Side of Bhuddism

Entry slated - darkness to be revealed

The Dark Side of Ghandi

Entry slated - darkness to be revealed

The Dark Side of Mother Teresa

Entry slated - darkness to be revealed